If she doesn't bring anything to this relationship and arrangement, why are you supporting her?
because I live in a culture that puts the family, especially the Mama on a pedestal and nothing take her off that position.
is this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
If she doesn't bring anything to this relationship and arrangement, why are you supporting her?
because I live in a culture that puts the family, especially the Mama on a pedestal and nothing take her off that position.
is this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
is this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
I have a dawn to dusk work schedule because of which most things escape my attention.
Carla: she's already done it: a few weeks ago, she told me that she went around preaching in the immediate neighborhood.
Once again, I was told after the deed was done.
is this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
is this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
oh how wonderful those experiences at assemblies and "schools" are - not.
at times it seemed as if these "experiences" were scripted.
the speaker gets criteria in the outline regarding what the experience or interview has to be about.
It happened in a hall I attended during my teenage years. The brother was later declared mentally challenged though.
You know how silent the hall normally gets when after the middle song they call an elder for a "sad announcement", to the moment they finish making the announcement. In that unusual silence I heard, just inches behind my back a horrible bong bong bong bong noise . The guy actually had a bible in one hand at the moment they made the announcement, so he made his applause with one hand and the BIBLE which made that terrible noise. After applauding, he said loudly: "Bravo...Congratulations! and good job! The workers of the 11th hour are sacking the workers of the 1rst hour."(This is a literal translation, I'm' feeling too lazy to check that verse in the English bible).
I never ever forgot that moment nor those words. A total surprise! I, the goodie-2-shoes, was mortified; just wanted to vanish from my seat. I was sitting at the back of the hall, he was leaning against the back door.
In the end, his words were meaningless because he was a recent convert who climbed up the ladder in a flash. He was a reg. pioneer and a min. servant.
i was browsing through stuff on jw.org recently and ran across some expressions that really grate on my nerves: loyal love, loving-care, and loving-kindness, as in: "please exercise loving-kindness toward your servant.
" who talks like that?
they must be relics of the fred franz era.
full set: http://imgur.com/a/djhfe.